
5 Surprising Health Facts

When it comes to health, we’re told “facts” that seem to change every year. For example, remember when all fats were considered bad for dieters?

A few years later and there are now “good” and “bad” fats. This being said, there are a number of facts that have remained the same and stood the test of time.

These facts, however, are also the ones that tend to be unknown and forgotten about. So, what are a few of these surprisingly accurate facts? Let’s find out!

Sitting behind a desk can increase your chances of mortality by up to 50%.

Office work is a popular form of work in the modern world. However, office workers, according to the University of Sydney, should be aware that those who sit for more than 10 hours per day have a higher chance of dying than those who sit for 4 or less hours.

That’s right – your relatively safe office job might not actually be that safe in the long run.

To combat this statistic, you can make small changes such as investing in a stand up work desk, taking the stairs,  walking to work if it is close by, and/or taking a relaxing stroll on your breaks.

Smelling an apple can prevent claustrophobia.

An apple a day is known to keep the doctor away – but can it do more? The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation has conducted research and found that, apparently, smelling a green apple can reduce claustrophobia related stress.

In addition, taking a big sniff of a green apple may also be able to prevent headaches and migraines.

Women are more likely to suffer from a medical broken heart.

We’ve all felt like we may die of a broken heart. However, broken heart syndrome – a condition where the adrenaline released to combat shock (usually from stress) causes spontaneous heart failure- is 9 times more likely to affect women.

 Coffee can battle depression.

More often than not, we’re told that coffee is bad for us – if this isn’t the case, we may be told to closely monitor our coffee intake. Although, a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that there may be a connection between coffee and reduced depression episodes.

This number was specific to women, with those who drink 4 cups of coffee per day or more, having an increased immunity (up to 20%) to depression.

Previously, another study found that women who drank only 2 cups per day were less likely to commit suicide.

We often hear about how caffeine is bad for us; however, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that, for women, drinking four or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day could reduce the risk of depression by 20 per cent.

Exercise can ease fatigue.

When you’re tired, one of the best things you can do is exercise. Various studies have found that exercising, while increasing the oxygen and blood flows within the body, works to wake up the tired and achy muscles.

Top Tips for Boosting Your Immune System

Do you want to improve your immune system? If your immune system does a great job of protecting your body against harmful microorganisms that cause diseases, but it suddenly fails and you get sick, you should definitely boost your immune system.

Improving Your Immune System

Improving your immune system is enticing, but the ability to do this has proved to be vague for a variety of reasons. For one reason, your immune system is not a single entity and in order for it to function effectively, there needs to be harmony and balance.

There are still a lot of things about the intricacies of the immune system that are not yet known to researchers. Although at present, there are no scientifically proven direct association between your lifestyle and better immune response, this doesn’t mean the effects of lifestyle and environmental factors on the immune system should be disregarded and not studied.

Experts are researching on the effects of diet, psychological stress, exercise, age, and other aspects of the immune system, both in animals and people. While the research studies are ongoing, there are still healthy living strategies that can generally start giving your immune system a boost.

Great Ways to Improve Your Immune System

Your body’s first line of defense is your immune system and the best way to improve it is to opt for a healthy lifestyle. If you want to boost your immunity, it is important to follow some general guidelines that can maintain your good health and bolster your immune system. Below are some of the effective ways to keep your immune system in optimal condition:

  • Avoid using tobacco products.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Exercise on a regular basis.
  • Keep your weight at a healthy level.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation.
  • Make sure that you get enough rest and sleep.
  • Wash your hands and prepare your meals properly to avoid getting infected.
  • Avoid stress.

Final Thoughts

These are just some of the ways to improve your immune system and protect yourself from microorganisms and other harmful environmental factors. Aside from these natural ways, you can also improve your immunity by taking health supplements or vitamins.

5 of the Most Nutritious Foods on the Planet

No matter how huge your appetite is, there is only a limited amount of food that you can consume per day. With this, if you want to maximize the amount of vitamins and minerals that your body gets, it is important to thoroughly think about how you should spend your calorie budget.

The most effective way to do this is to eat the types of food that contain high amounts of these nutrients. Below are five of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

1. Salmon and other fatty fish

Fatty types of fish, particularly salmon, have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for better body function and to reduce the risk of acquiring serious diseases. In a 100-gram serving of wild salmon, you will be able to obtain 2.8 grams of Omega-3s, together with animal protein, B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, and potassium.

2. Kale

You probably already know that green leafy vegetables are very healthy. However, among these vegetables, kale is the healthiest. It is jampacked with minerals, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. In fact, a 100-gram serving of kale has 200 percent of the RDA for Vitamin C, 1000 percent of the RDA for Vitamin K1, 300 percent of the RDA for Vitamin A, as well as massive amounts of Vitamin B6, Calcium, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, and Magnesium.

Another great thing about this is that the said portion only provides 50 calories and contains 2 grams of healthy fiber and 3 grams of protein—making it suitable for those who are trying to lose weight.

3. Garlic

Not only does garlic add flavor to dishes, but it can also provide nutrients that greatly benefit the body. Garlic is rich in Vitamins B1, B6, and C, as well as Potassium, Manganese, Copper, and Selenium.

In addition to these nutrients, garlic is also rich in a nutrient called Allicin which is beneficial for lowering blood pressure and the levels of LDL cholesterol. At the same time, this active ingredient increases the HDL in your body, reducing your risk of acquiring heart diseases.

Furthermore, garlic can fight off pathogens such as fungi and bacteria, as well as prevent cancer, particularly stomach and colon cancer.

4. Shellfish

Compared to other types of seafood, shellfish is the most nutritious one. Popular types of shellfish are oysters, clams, among others.

A 100-gram serving of clams contains 16 times the RDA for Vitamin B12. Additionally, clams are rich in B-vitamins, Vitamin C, Iron, Selenium, and Potassium. Meanwhile, a 100-gram portion of oysters can provide 6 times the RDA for Zinc, twice the RDA for Copper, and massive amounts of Vitamins B12 and D.

5. Blueberries

Blueberries are among the most nutrient-dense fruits on the planet. They are rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins and other phytochemicals that have protective properties for the brain.

Final Thoughts

These are just some of the most nutritious foods on the planet, which is why it is important to include these in your diet as much as possible. In addition to eating these foods, it is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do regular exercise.

Top 8 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid

The types of food you eat definitely affect your overall health. There is a lot of discussion on which ones are healthy, and which ones are not and should be avoided. In this article, we will share with you some of the foods that are very unhealthy.

1. Sugary drinks

Added sugar, especially the ones in sugary drinks, is the worst ingredient. When you drink this type of beverages, your brain doesn’t recognize it as food. Hence, you don’t automatically compensate by consuming less of other types of food, but rather end up increasing your total calories significantly by drinking sugary drinks.

When you take in too much sugar, you can drive insulin resistance in your body and may acquire non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Aside from that, sugary drinks put you at a greater risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

2. Industrial Vegetable Oil

There is an increasing consumption of refined vegetable oils such as corn oil, canola oil, and soybean oil which are high in omega 6 fatty acids. The bad thing about this type of oils is that they are extremely sensitive to oxidation and can lead to increased oxidative stress in the body. Furthermore, they heighten your risk of getting cancer.

3. Margarine

While margarine is considered as a healthier alternative to butter, it is a highly-processed food made with industrial vegetable oils that have been hydrogenated. Because of this, the trans fat content increases drastically. Despite seeing the label “no trans fat”, you still need to be cautious because they are allowed to put that label as long as the product contains lower than 0.5 grams per serving, but this is still a substantial amount.

4. Pastries, cakes, and cookies

This type of foods is loaded with refined sugar, white flour, and added fats which are unhealthy. You can’t obtain any essential nutrients and they only give you tons of calories.

5. Potato chips and French fries

Because they are very high in calories, French fries and potato chips are linked to weight gain. Furthermore, they can also have significant levels of acrylamides which are carcinogenic substances when potatoes are fried or baked.

6. Low-fat yogurt

Even if you see on the label that the product is low fat, you should still keep in mind that it is loaded with sugar in order to compensate the lack of taste that fats can provide. Moreover, contrary to common belief, yogurts do not actually have probiotic bacteria. Because they have been pasteurized after the process of fermentation, the bacteria get killed.

7. Processed Meats

According to studies, those who consume processed meats are at a higher risk of colon cancer, heart diseases, and Type 2 diabetes.

8. Fast food meals

Fast food chains usually just serve junk foods with little to no nutritional value. Normally, these fast food meals have too much fat, sugar, and calories, leading to serious diseases and obesity.

Final Thoughts

If you are trying to lose weight and protecting yourself from acquiring life-threatening diseases, it is important to that you control your consumption of these foods or totally eliminate them from your diet. Always remember that a healthy diet coupled with regular exercise is the key to long life.

Secrets to staying healthy

A balanced diet

Because? All studies confirm this: a varied and balanced diet is a preventative factor against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, obesity and colosterol.

As? Follow the advice of the Ministry of Health :

> increases the consumption of fruit and vegetables (at least 5 a day)

> consume foods rich in calcium (mainly dairy products associated with vegetables, or mineral waters containing them); eat 3 dairy products a day

> limits the consumption of fats , especially of saturated ones (meat, cured meats, cheeses, sweets …)

> increases the consumption of starchy foods, rich in starch; in particular he eats food products based on whole grains

> limits the consumption of sugar and foods rich in sugars (drinks, sweets, jams, chocolate …).

Stay sober

Because? Hypercaloric (1gr = 7Kcal), alcohol spreads in the body before being transformed by the liver into a molecule … toxic! Thus, a high consumption of alcohol would be at the origin of tumors (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, breast …), and would increase the overall risk of mortality, particularly cerebrovascular one.

As? Password: moderation! Opt for low-alcohol drinks, to the detriment of smooth liquor or mixed with drinks. Drink slowly and place the glass between one sip and the other; drink a glass of alcohol for pleasure, and a glass of water for thirst. Do not exceed the equivalent of 2 glasses of wine of 10cl, or 2 beers of 25cl, or 6cl of spirits per day. If you are pregnant, alcoholic beverages are off limits to you.

Do not trust the sun

Because? Prolonged exposures are bad. They speed up skin aging and increase the risk of cataracts. UVA and UVB rays are carcinogenic.

As? In summer, avoid to export between 12:00 and 16:00. Never put yourself in the sun without applying a high protection cream, and repeat the application regularly. It carries protective sunglasses , especially on the snow or the sea, where the glare of the sun’s rays is stronger.

Give up tobacco

Because? In addition to promoting cardiovascular disease and cancers, tobacco causes many risks to women: associated with the pill, promotes the formation of clots, weakens the walls of blood vessels and narrows them, increasing the risk of phlebitis and thrombosis; accelerate decalcification; multiplies the risks of extra uterine pregnancy, spontaneous abortions, premature births and caesarean sections, and delays in the growth of the fetus.

As? Do not smoke ! If it’s too late, get help!

Make movement

Because? Exercise is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and osteoporosis. Regular sporting activity also improves form , well-being and self-esteem.

As? You can be active without being sporty, and move without changing your own pace of life. It is sufficient to practice at least a half hour of rapid walking a day. Do not hesitate to walk quickly to make short journeys, get off the bus or the subway a station before, go shopping on foot rather than by car, avoid escalators and lifts … The weekend, program a sport activity: bicycle , skates, swimming pool …

Stay under medical supervision

Because? Prevention is better than cure, is not it? The sooner you discover an illness, the greater the chances of healing. Simple control tests are enough.

As? Have a check-up (blood sample, pressure …) at your general practitioner at least every two years. Go to the gynecologist at least twice a year, from the ophthalmologist once every two years, to the dentist every year, to the dermatologist every year.

Simple tips to improve your health

Find out how to improve your health by simply changing your daily habits.

Living in a healthy way is not as difficult as it seems and improving one’s health is often a matter of commitment to changing our daily habits.

So I decided to offer you some useful suggestions that will surely help you.

Sleep well and take a siesta

If you have been in Latin America you will have surely noticed that many people go home during their lunch break. The so-called “siesta” is granted, which is nothing more than a short nap. According to one study, adults who systematically took a nap during the day had a 37% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. The afternoon nap allows to lower blood pressure and reduce the production of cortisol, a hormone that modulates stress.

Train your brain

Contrary to popular belief, your brain, if trained, can age more slowly than your body. Reading, taking music or language lessons or cultivating new hobbies can help the brain stay young and healthy. Some studies have also highlighted how certain video games can help older people keep their mind in business.

Do physical activity

We all know that exercise is a key ingredient to staying healthy. A recent study showed that walking at a moderate pace helps to prevent hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and coronary heart disease. Compared to other forms of exercise, walking does not require much effort on your body and can provide benefits such as lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion, improving mood and sleep.