5 Surprising Health Facts
When it comes to health, we’re told “facts” that seem to change every year. For example, remember when all fats were considered bad for dieters?
A few years later and there are now “good” and “bad” fats. This being said, there are a number of facts that have remained the same and stood the test of time.
These facts, however, are also the ones that tend to be unknown and forgotten about. So, what are a few of these surprisingly accurate facts? Let’s find out!
Sitting behind a desk can increase your chances of mortality by up to 50%.
Office work is a popular form of work in the modern world. However, office workers, according to the University of Sydney, should be aware that those who sit for more than 10 hours per day have a higher chance of dying than those who sit for 4 or less hours.
That’s right – your relatively safe office job might not actually be that safe in the long run.
To combat this statistic, you can make small changes such as investing in a stand up work desk, taking the stairs, walking to work if it is close by, and/or taking a relaxing stroll on your breaks.
Smelling an apple can prevent claustrophobia.
An apple a day is known to keep the doctor away – but can it do more? The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation has conducted research and found that, apparently, smelling a green apple can reduce claustrophobia related stress.
In addition, taking a big sniff of a green apple may also be able to prevent headaches and migraines.
Women are more likely to suffer from a medical broken heart.
We’ve all felt like we may die of a broken heart. However, broken heart syndrome – a condition where the adrenaline released to combat shock (usually from stress) causes spontaneous heart failure- is 9 times more likely to affect women.
Coffee can battle depression.
More often than not, we’re told that coffee is bad for us – if this isn’t the case, we may be told to closely monitor our coffee intake. Although, a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that there may be a connection between coffee and reduced depression episodes.
This number was specific to women, with those who drink 4 cups of coffee per day or more, having an increased immunity (up to 20%) to depression.
Previously, another study found that women who drank only 2 cups per day were less likely to commit suicide.
We often hear about how caffeine is bad for us; however, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that, for women, drinking four or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day could reduce the risk of depression by 20 per cent.
Exercise can ease fatigue.
When you’re tired, one of the best things you can do is exercise. Various studies have found that exercising, while increasing the oxygen and blood flows within the body, works to wake up the tired and achy muscles.